Monday, January 14, 2013


Sadly, blogger will still not let me upload pictures! : (

After spending the weekend with my fellow Alpha Xi Delta travelling Sisters, I just spend the last week in the Windy City! I will admit... it was nothing like I expected! I stayed in a really cute neighborhood, got experienced at taking the CTA (subway), and had a blast.

I was visiting our Iota Rho chapter at DePaul University. I probably would have gotten really lost but luckily one of the other consultants, Mary Katherine is stationed at DePaul full time. I got to learn what being stationed is all about.

On Friday, we got to get out and explore the city! We went to the giant bean and ate deep dish pizza! It was soooo delicious but extremely filling... I only ate one piece! On Saturday we spent the morning walking by the beach and then window shopping on Michigan Avenue.

Saturday evening, we went to a DePaul women's basketball game. The chapter cosponsored the game with Autism Speaks and used it as an Autism Speaks awareness night. We had tables of information, a raffle, face painting and tattoos, and lots of give aways. It was a huge success and we had a blast!

As I type this, I am sitting at Chicago's Midway Airport. I got here 3.5 hours early because we thought it was going to snow this morning. Mary Katherine is also from Georgia and these when these southern girls heard the word snow, we somewhat panicked. But it is giving me time to blog and catch up on some office work. I have to say... Midway stinks compared to O'Haire. While O'Haire has approximately 6 or more Starbucks... Midway has none. O'Haire has bathrooms with rotating toilet seat covers... Midway does not. Call me an airport snob but when a large chunk of my life the past six months has been spent scouting out my favorite people watching spots in airports, I cant help it!

My first semester I carried around a couple of leadership books to read when I had downtime in airports or felt like reading on planes but this semester I have switched it up. I am currently carrying My Utmost For His Highest by Oswald Chambers. My youth pastor, John Orr gave a group of us this book in May of 2004. It has short daily thoughts with a short Bible passage. I have read it several times through but each time I read it I learn to think about something in a new way and I find new truths.

I am heading to Richmond today... but that is a story for another blog. Praying for my brother, he started travelling to Australia yesterday.

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