Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Thanksgiving Wrap Up

I have to say, we had a fabulous Thanksgiving. Lots of good food was eaten, I got to watch the Macy's parade (I want to go one day!), and we got to spend time with family. It was a great day to reflect on all of the blessings in my life and to thank the Lord for all that he has given me. KP was definitely missed but it made me all that more excited to see him soon!

My favorite holiday dishes include: sweet potato sufle', green bean casserole, and "green stuff." Green stuff is something my Grammie has made for a longggg time for family get togethers. I have no idea what is in it other than jello and whipped cream, all I know is that it is yummy and it is good.

On Friday, Mama and I went on our usual Black Friday shopping trip. We trekked up to the Mall of Georgia at 5:00 a.m., shopped a lot, made a bunch more stops and then crashed back at home. That is one my favorite days of the year because I always have so much fun hanging out with my Mama! I hope that we keep this tradition for years in the future!

Saturday was my favorite day... Ross, Kerri, Nick, and I went to Athens to watch the UGA/Tech game. It was a BLAST! We made Kerri, who was formally the enemy's fan, do all of the chants and cheers with us. YAY! : ) It was great to be in a huge sea of red and black with some of my best friends watching our Dawgs kill Tech.

On Monday morning I left Atlanta for Prescott, Arizona. It was a ROUGH travel day to say the least, I was so happy to finally arrive. Only three more stops until Christmas! I cant wait! : )

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


I will admit that I have been a total slacker when it comes to blogging lately! I will use the excuse of being incredibly busy plus just getting over being sick!

So what have I been up to? Well, since I last blogged I:

-went HOME! : ) I was in a friend's wedding, loved on my family and puppies, spent some quality time with my sweet man, and saw some of my best friends! It was a FAST three days but I loved every minute of it!

One of my favorites of us!

Little sandwich!
-travelled to the state of Michigan for the first time! I visited Albion College and Alma College. They are both small schools with such sweet girls! At Albion I got to stay at the sweetest bed and breakfast! I was in HEAVEN!

-got sick! : ( It was not fun, all I wanted was for my Mama and Ross to take care of me!

-and finally... came home again for Thanksgiving! It has been a great trip so far! I have spent a little time with Ross, had a day with my littles, purchased a new outfit for Saturday, seen my grandparents, hung out with my parents, and visited Daddy's work for a Thanksgiving lunch.

I am SO ready for my brother to be home.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

On the Move

My trip to Lincoln was nice but extremely uneventful. Next, I was off to South Dakota State University in Brookings, South Dakota. My travel day started at 4:45 in the morning, so I was pretty tired. Thankfully, I had two smooth plane rides and got there on time!

As soon as I got to the Epsilon Eta house, the Sisters gave me a tour. The house was just built and it is BEAUTIFUL! They did a great job designing it, the bathrooms and kitchen were incredible! Unfortunately, I was the first "guest" to stay there, which meant that I was the first to use the guest bathroom shower. We soon found out that it was built incorrectly and floods... the entire bathroom, across the hallway, and into the guest bedroom. Yikes!

I didnt know how Halloween would go on the road, but I actually had a great day! The chapter I was with held a Halloween Festival for the community. So many children came in the most adorable costumes! My favorites included a hotdog, bumblebee, and Snow White. Hands down the most popular costume? Ninjas!

After the festival, we all went to the chapter house where I gave a program on social media use! Woo! : ) Here are some of the inspirational quotes I used (thanks, Pinterest!):

So after South Dakota, it was time for me to go back to the University of Iowa to visit my Sisters at Sigma. It was a rough travel day but I love being with this chapter, so it has been a great trip so far! They always spoil me and take me to get Starbucks (11/30 to my Gold Card!), cupcakes, and tours of beautiful Iowa City!

Last night, three of us camped out in the basement and watched the election results. As sad and concerned as I know so many of us are, I am more determined than ever that we need to pray for our country and for our leaders. Our country needs Jesus more than ever.

Tomorrow, I get to go home. So excited for a fun-filled, busy weekend full of wedding fun, friends, and family! See you all soon! <3