Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Thanksgiving Wrap Up

I have to say, we had a fabulous Thanksgiving. Lots of good food was eaten, I got to watch the Macy's parade (I want to go one day!), and we got to spend time with family. It was a great day to reflect on all of the blessings in my life and to thank the Lord for all that he has given me. KP was definitely missed but it made me all that more excited to see him soon!

My favorite holiday dishes include: sweet potato sufle', green bean casserole, and "green stuff." Green stuff is something my Grammie has made for a longggg time for family get togethers. I have no idea what is in it other than jello and whipped cream, all I know is that it is yummy and it is good.

On Friday, Mama and I went on our usual Black Friday shopping trip. We trekked up to the Mall of Georgia at 5:00 a.m., shopped a lot, made a bunch more stops and then crashed back at home. That is one my favorite days of the year because I always have so much fun hanging out with my Mama! I hope that we keep this tradition for years in the future!

Saturday was my favorite day... Ross, Kerri, Nick, and I went to Athens to watch the UGA/Tech game. It was a BLAST! We made Kerri, who was formally the enemy's fan, do all of the chants and cheers with us. YAY! : ) It was great to be in a huge sea of red and black with some of my best friends watching our Dawgs kill Tech.

On Monday morning I left Atlanta for Prescott, Arizona. It was a ROUGH travel day to say the least, I was so happy to finally arrive. Only three more stops until Christmas! I cant wait! : )

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