Thursday, May 31, 2012

Home Cookin'

I am SO not domesticated. But I'm working on it! Before I moved home from college my cooking skills consisted of the single cups of macaroni and cheese (a favorite of my roommate's) and making frozen pasta on the stove. Ever since I moved home, I have been trying to expand my culinary horizons.

After a few fails missteps, I am actually learning! My last few dinners have actually been more than edible, they have been good! Last night I made Red Velvet Cheesecake Brownies. Not only did my family love them but Ross took some home and his family raved! I will admit that one of the reasons I love to cook is so that the boyfriend will see that we (hopefully) will not starve one day! : )

On another note, when I am out traveling there is a group of people that I am going to miss SO much: my grandparents. They are the best people I know and I am so blessed to have them in my life!

With Grammie when I was installed as Zeta Omega's President.
Kisses from Grandmother after my college graduation.
Easter with Jack 2011.
My grandparents have taught me so many life lessons: about hard work, living for the Lord, the importance of family among so many other things. I am going to have to teach them to Skype so we can see each other while I am gone!

Headed to the lake with my family plus KP's lady friend and Ross. SO excited to get our tan on and have a lot of fun together! : )

Monday, May 28, 2012

Nothing Like the Movies

I discovered something yesterday, while standing in a bathroom of all places! When I run into people and they ask me about what I am doing these days, my usual response is "Oh, I just got hired by my sorority!" And what I get back is... a totally confused look. Usually follows is a forced "Wow, that's great!" I can see it in people's faces- they are thinking, "You got a college education and you are wasting it on playing sorority girl?" 

Don't get me wrong. I understand. With movies like "Legally Blonde" and "Animal House" most people just. don't. get. it. There are a lot of negative words I could list that probably come to a nongreek's mind when they think of fraternities and sororities. Unfortunately, some greeks live to perpetuate those stereotypes, therefore allowing them to continue. But in my experience, Greek life can be and should be so much more than that. 

Part of my sorority family. AKA- my best friends.
Today I thought that I would share with you some statistics about Greeks that are very encouraging to me. These statistics show how being Greek can be very beneficial to a collegiate member, not just in their college years but in the years that follow, as well. 

-As undergraduates, Greeks raise approximately $7 million dollars per year for charities.

-As undergraduates, Greeks serve approximately 850,000 volunteer hours per year.

-Of North America's 50 largest corporations, 43 are headed by Greeks.

-As Alumni, Greeks give approximately 75% of all money donated to universities.

-40 of 47 US Supreme Court Justices have been Greek.

-63% of US Cabinet members since 1900 have been Greek.

-All of the Apollo 11 astronauts were Greek.

-85% of Fortune 500 executives are Greek.

-The first female senator and astronaut were both Greek.

Source: Why Go Greek

Greeks are leaders, philanthropists, innovators, brothers, sisters, and friends. I am thankful and proud to call myself a sorority woman.

Pledge Sisters at a beautiful wedding.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

New Beginnings

Warning: occasionally I can be a bit sentimental. This is one of those posts. This weekend I was reminded of how precious new beginnings can be. 

Graduations do that for me. When I hear the first cords of "Pomp and Circumstance" I can't help but get all misty eyed. All of the family and friends that are so proud... the excited graduates in their caps and gowns... I just love it all! Ross's sister Alli graduated on Saturday. As I was sitting there through all 10,000 526 names, I thought back to my own graduation day. I was so excited to finish high school and move to college. It was a chance to start new, be whoever I wanted to be. My college graduation was even more exciting- one huge phase of my life was closing and the rest of my life was beginning!

Alli receiving her diploma!
With the sweet graduate.

And just for kicks- my high school graduation with my best friend Kelly.

This weekend at church, the concept of new beginnings hit me yet again. As my family and I were standing there worshipping together, we were singing Hillsong's song "Forever Reign." The lyrics to the song talk about how the Lord is good when there is nothing good in me, and how he is light when all there is is darkness. I am so thankful that in God I have a new start. My past is forgotten and I have hope in my future. Without his love and grace my life would have no meaning. 
As I begin this new job and all of the changes that come with it, I am going to cling to the Lord's promises. I can't wait to see the ways that he is going to stretch me and grow me... I am just looking forward to it all!

But He said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." 2 Corinthians 12:9

I just love him!

Friday, May 25, 2012

I Love the Rose

Hello friends! As you can already tell, I am a little OBSESSED with Alpha Xi Delta. I thought that today I would share with you a little bit about our amazing national organization!

Every sorority has things in common. We all have colors, ours is double blue and gold (now you know where my blog theme came from!) Every sorority has a flower, ours is the killarney rose, or quite simply, the pink rose. Our mascot is BetXi Bear, who I think is the cutest little bear ever!

Here I am with BetXi at last summer's National Convention.

Thankfully BetXi has gotten a recent makeover! Doesn't she look FABULOUS!?

Alpha Xi Delta was founded in 1893 at Lombard College in Galesburg, Illinois. The 10 women who began our organization wanted to "Inspire Women to Realize Their Potential" and this became our motto. In the 119 years since, we have added more than 150,000 women to our sisterhood.

In April 2009, Alpha Xi Delta announced that we had a new national philanthropy! We are now partnered with Autism Speaks. Every Alpha Xi Delta chapter holds fun events to raise money to support Autism Speaks. During the summer, chapters attend "Walk Now for Autism Speaks" walks which we look forward to all year!

I am so thankful for this organization. It not only gave me the BEST friends i could ever ask for but also many chances to grow as a leader and an individual. One of the reasons I am most excited about this upcoming year is that I am going to be given the opportunity to give back and to help collegiate women grow and better themselves. I can't wait to get started!

Pledge Class celebrating Bid Night 2010.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

My First Blog!

Confession: I have never blogged before, but everyone seems to think that this is the time for me to start! I am not sure where to start, but introductions seem appropriate!

My name is Courtney. I am pretty sure that more than half my friends (and all of my sorority sisters) have forgotten that though. I am more frequently referred to as CPeek. I am 23 and I live with my Mama, Daddy, brother KP, and our adorable dachshund/sister Roxy in the Peach State. My family is amazing and extremely close. I am so thankful for them.

Family Vacation 2011 (loving those tans!)
I told you she was cute! She's the best dog in the world when she is not trying to eat children or my Alpha Xi Delta little sister, Kerri!

My favorite thing in the world to do is spend time with my friends and boyfriend, Ross. We have a boxer puppy named Paisley (I got to name her!) who we spoil ROTTEN!

Christmas 2011- Paisley is SO much bigger now!

The real reason I started blogging is because I have been hired by my sorority, Alpha Xi Delta to be an Educational Leadership Consultant (ELC) for 2012-2013. What is an ELC you may ask? Basically I will be traveling the country visiting different Alpha Xi Delta chapters at different colleges. I will be offering support, conducting trainings, and basically be a liaison between the chapter and the National Fraternity. I will be living out of my suitcase for months at a time, will be away from home, and constantly getting on and off airplanes. Scared & nervous? YES! Excited & ready to go? ABSOLUTELY! I am hoping that through this blog my family and friends will be able to somewhat keep up with what I am doing and that it will help others understand a little bit more about sorority life. Greek life is something I am extremely passionate about but I am going to have to save that tangent for another day!

Before I end this post, I need to thank my little sister, Kerri for helping me create this blog and for introducing me to the blog world! You can see her blog at A Sweet Georgia Peach!