Sunday, May 27, 2012

New Beginnings

Warning: occasionally I can be a bit sentimental. This is one of those posts. This weekend I was reminded of how precious new beginnings can be. 

Graduations do that for me. When I hear the first cords of "Pomp and Circumstance" I can't help but get all misty eyed. All of the family and friends that are so proud... the excited graduates in their caps and gowns... I just love it all! Ross's sister Alli graduated on Saturday. As I was sitting there through all 10,000 526 names, I thought back to my own graduation day. I was so excited to finish high school and move to college. It was a chance to start new, be whoever I wanted to be. My college graduation was even more exciting- one huge phase of my life was closing and the rest of my life was beginning!

Alli receiving her diploma!
With the sweet graduate.

And just for kicks- my high school graduation with my best friend Kelly.

This weekend at church, the concept of new beginnings hit me yet again. As my family and I were standing there worshipping together, we were singing Hillsong's song "Forever Reign." The lyrics to the song talk about how the Lord is good when there is nothing good in me, and how he is light when all there is is darkness. I am so thankful that in God I have a new start. My past is forgotten and I have hope in my future. Without his love and grace my life would have no meaning. 
As I begin this new job and all of the changes that come with it, I am going to cling to the Lord's promises. I can't wait to see the ways that he is going to stretch me and grow me... I am just looking forward to it all!

But He said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." 2 Corinthians 12:9

I just love him!

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