Monday, May 28, 2012

Nothing Like the Movies

I discovered something yesterday, while standing in a bathroom of all places! When I run into people and they ask me about what I am doing these days, my usual response is "Oh, I just got hired by my sorority!" And what I get back is... a totally confused look. Usually follows is a forced "Wow, that's great!" I can see it in people's faces- they are thinking, "You got a college education and you are wasting it on playing sorority girl?" 

Don't get me wrong. I understand. With movies like "Legally Blonde" and "Animal House" most people just. don't. get. it. There are a lot of negative words I could list that probably come to a nongreek's mind when they think of fraternities and sororities. Unfortunately, some greeks live to perpetuate those stereotypes, therefore allowing them to continue. But in my experience, Greek life can be and should be so much more than that. 

Part of my sorority family. AKA- my best friends.
Today I thought that I would share with you some statistics about Greeks that are very encouraging to me. These statistics show how being Greek can be very beneficial to a collegiate member, not just in their college years but in the years that follow, as well. 

-As undergraduates, Greeks raise approximately $7 million dollars per year for charities.

-As undergraduates, Greeks serve approximately 850,000 volunteer hours per year.

-Of North America's 50 largest corporations, 43 are headed by Greeks.

-As Alumni, Greeks give approximately 75% of all money donated to universities.

-40 of 47 US Supreme Court Justices have been Greek.

-63% of US Cabinet members since 1900 have been Greek.

-All of the Apollo 11 astronauts were Greek.

-85% of Fortune 500 executives are Greek.

-The first female senator and astronaut were both Greek.

Source: Why Go Greek

Greeks are leaders, philanthropists, innovators, brothers, sisters, and friends. I am thankful and proud to call myself a sorority woman.

Pledge Sisters at a beautiful wedding.

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