Wednesday, June 20, 2012

My Sisters Have Taught Me How to Live

Not only do I have an amazing big sister in Alpha Xi Delta, but I have two FABULOUS little sisters as well. On Monday night the two of them planned a "See You Later" dinner for me (we are trying not to say goodbye.) Sisters and friends gathered at the Lazy Donkey, a delicious mexican restaurant in our college town, to spend time together and eat. We had such a great time! I am so thankful to have so many people who love me and support me. I am going to miss everyone so much while I am traveling but it is so reassuring to know what I have to come home to at the end of it!

Randi, Myself, and Kerri at dinner!
Randi is my littlest and last little. She is one of the most kind and loving people I have ever met. When I took her as my little, she was so quiet and shy. I thought that she would always be that way, but oh my goodness was I wrong. She has grown up before my very eyes! She is so outgoing, fun, and hysterical now! Kerri and I always joke that we "changed her life." I am slightly totally messy at times and when she knows that I am completely overwhelmed with life she transforms into my room's cleaning fairy. She is also always ready to go on an errand run with me, whether it is to Home Depot to buy things we know nothing about or to get root beer floats when I need a pick me up. I am so unbelievable blessed by Randi's friendship. She has been there for me through so many ups and downs in my life. She always supports me no matter what I am doing and I could not be more thankful for her. She is also one of the strongest women I know. Her faith is the most important thing to her and she inspires me to grow in my relationship with the Lord. Randi will always be one of my very best friends and I can't wait to see how our friendship continues to grow as we get older!

Our first recruitment all together!
Our last recruitment all together... boy did we change!
Kerri, or as I call her, Two, is my tallest little! : ) She is one of the funniest friends I have ever had. She is one of those people who will always tell me like it is, and as annoying as that can be some times, I am so thankful! She will always be the first one to tell me when my hair is a mess or the outfit I am wearing is a little too similar to something Mr. Rogers would wear. I made sure that she went shopping with me when I was getting clothes for my new job and we picked out some adorable outfits! Two and I got especially close when I was President and she was Membership Vice-President, because we had to spend basically every second working together to plan and execute recruitment. That helped us to build a lot of trust and a strong partnership that we still have today. Another reason we are so close is because in October, Ross and I set her up with Ross' roommate, Nick. Now the two of them are the most adorable couple and we all love to hang out together! PERFECT! I had a really difficult time saying goodbye to Two but I know that no matter what we will always be a part of each other's lives. I am so thankful and blessed by her friendship!

Last year at Formal.
I LOVE how the three of us have gotten so close over the past year. We have laughed, cried, and experienced every other emotion together. We are secret keepers and advice givers. They made my last semester of college one of my favorites because of all the fun and memories we had, memories I will never forget. I am going to miss the two of them so much!

Ross also loves our littles! Homecoming 2011.
In just a little bit I will be headed to the airport and headed to the University of Nevada- Las Vegas! I am praying for smooth travel this time! : )

And one last one of the family with the boyfriends in tow! Love these people so much!

Monday, June 18, 2012

So Much To Learn

Hello, friends! I am back in the Peach State after a super busy, super fun trip to the University of Maryland! (Go Terps!) We hosted Alpha Xis from all over the Northeast for a 4 day workshop! While it was exhausting and I never stopped running, I had a blast! Since I graduated in December I have been out of the "sorority world" for a little bit and I LOVED being back at it!

One of my favorite aspects of Alpha Xi Delta is that even though our sisters are scattered around the country, we have a bond that unites us. The women who came to UMD had never met but instantly shared a connection. I loved watching them form friendships over our time together and hope that many made lifelong friends!

I was SO excited to meet 5 of the 11 girls I will be working with this year! We had a blast getting to know each other and working together to make sure the collegiates learned and had a great time! I can't wait until July when we will all move to Indianapolis for a month for training!

Part of the consultant team!
As much fun as I had during our time at the university, the opposite can be said about my time spent at the airport. After broken down planes, delayed flights, and baggage drama I was SO thankful when I saw Ross' sweet face waiting for me in Atlanta. Although it was a bit stressful, I definitely learned something... this is part of it. Nothing in life can be scripted perfectly (although I try my best at times) and I will just have to learn to go with the flow. This is something I have struggled with my whole life and I think that the Lord will use this experience to help me to learn to be more flexible. Instead of being upset about a delayed flight, I am just going to thank him for a few extra minutes to rest. When my baggage gets taken from me because it is too big I am just going to be thankful that I have less to carry. I already feel myself being changed for the better by this opportunity and I have barely started! I can't wait to see what other lessons this year has to hold for me!

The beautiful Alpha Xi Delta house at the University of Maryland!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Every Little Thing, Is Gonna Be Alright

I am a worrier. I have been from the day I was born. There are times where I can keep it under control but then there are also times that it controls me. This week at church, the sermon was about worry.

As we were pulling out of church, I made a comment to Ross about how much I enjoyed the sermon and how it was something I needed to hear. His reply back was, "It won't do you any good if you don't apply it to your life." OUCH. As much as that stung, it really got me thinking. How often do I say that I trust God with my life, my future, my plans... and then I keep stressing about it? If I truly do believe that the Lord is in control of it all, then I should not struggle with worry like I do!

For me, giving up worry is not a one time thing. It is a commitment I have to make everyday. Yes, there will be times that I fall into the worry trap again, but I am serious about working on it. As I am experiencing new, exciting, and occasionally nerve wracking things over the next year, I want to enjoy it all, not lose myself to worry!

With the newlyweds!
In other news, we had a fabulous weekend! Ross' best friend Brett and his fiancé Jaycie got married and we were lucky enough to be there to witness it! Ross was the Best Man and gave a very sweet toast, which was a highlight for me! Ross has attended so many weddings with me over the past 5 years (and we matched at all of them!) that it was nice to be his +1 for a change!

The Best Man!
My favorite wedding date ever!
Im leaving on my first official Alpha Xi Delta trip tomorrow! I couldn't be more excited to spend 5 days at the University of Maryland! : )

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Big Knows Best

Today, Tomorrow, Forever We'll Be
Big & Little, My Sister & Me

One of my favorite parts about being in a sorority is my sorority family. As a new member, each girl receives a big sister or as we call it, a "big." The big's job is to be someone for the "little" to look up to. They look out for their little and is always someone the little can go to for advice. Each chapter holds a "Big Sister Discovery" which is a fun event where the new members find out who their big sister is. It is a fun and exciting time in each chapter!

My big sister's name is B.Fine. She was one of the first Alpha Xi sisters I met when I went through recruitment. Once I joined the chapter, I knew that I wanted her to be my big sister. I was THRILLED when I found out that she was! I even cried (I told you I get emotional occasionally!)

With my Big and the plaque I made her. (This was 5 years ago, I was such a baby!)
B.Fine has become more than just my big, she is one of my best friends. She has so many qualities that I admire and look up to. She has been there for me through so many situations, and I am so thankful for her! She always gives me the best advice and I know that she will always be there for me. I can't wait to be a bridesmaid in her wedding next March!

At her graduation.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Just Soaking It Up

Normally for family vacations, we do the same thing every year. The four of us usually trek down to Gulf Shores for a few days. We stay at about the same condo, eat at the same restaurants, shop at the same outlets... its great! This year, we decided to do something different. We went down to Lake Blackshear for the weekend! We took KP's girlfriend and Ross, which was a blast! Daddy rented us a pontoon boat for a day, which ended up being the highlight of the trip! I loved being out on the water with my family, just working on my tan and listening to good music. The men fished and the ladies jumped in the water a couple of times.
Having fun on the boat!

At the resort, we swam in the pool, walked around the dock, fished, and played our family's favorite card game Rook. 
In the pool.
One of my favorite parts about vacation is the FOOD! I love seafood and there are always the yummiest places to eat! Our favorite restaurant this trip was called Daphne's Lodge. It was the cutest little place and the food was unreal.
KP and Sydney.
Waiting for our delicious dinner!
All of us!
This trip was especially important to our family because it is the last chance we will get to get away with each other for a while. You see, I am not the only member of our foursome who is going to be doing some traveling. On the same day I leave to officially begin my job, my brother is also leaving. He is not just making a little trip to another state though. He is moving all the way to AUSTRALIA! Ahhh!

KP is going to Hillsong College which is the Christian college associated with Hillsong Church in Sidney, Australia. Right now he is going for a year and then possibly a second year. As scary as it is to have my little brother and best friend moving to the other side of the world, I know that God is going to make this the best experience ever for him. I can not wait to hear all about it and witness how changed he is going to be when he gets back! It is a huge leap of faith for KP but I am so thankful he is trusting God with it all!

I am so thankful that we had the opportunity to spend this vacation together! It was so nice to get away from the hustle and bustle of our lives and just enjoy being together! I am so blessed to have my family!

"Every good and perfect gift is from above..." James 1:17