Wednesday, June 20, 2012

My Sisters Have Taught Me How to Live

Not only do I have an amazing big sister in Alpha Xi Delta, but I have two FABULOUS little sisters as well. On Monday night the two of them planned a "See You Later" dinner for me (we are trying not to say goodbye.) Sisters and friends gathered at the Lazy Donkey, a delicious mexican restaurant in our college town, to spend time together and eat. We had such a great time! I am so thankful to have so many people who love me and support me. I am going to miss everyone so much while I am traveling but it is so reassuring to know what I have to come home to at the end of it!

Randi, Myself, and Kerri at dinner!
Randi is my littlest and last little. She is one of the most kind and loving people I have ever met. When I took her as my little, she was so quiet and shy. I thought that she would always be that way, but oh my goodness was I wrong. She has grown up before my very eyes! She is so outgoing, fun, and hysterical now! Kerri and I always joke that we "changed her life." I am slightly totally messy at times and when she knows that I am completely overwhelmed with life she transforms into my room's cleaning fairy. She is also always ready to go on an errand run with me, whether it is to Home Depot to buy things we know nothing about or to get root beer floats when I need a pick me up. I am so unbelievable blessed by Randi's friendship. She has been there for me through so many ups and downs in my life. She always supports me no matter what I am doing and I could not be more thankful for her. She is also one of the strongest women I know. Her faith is the most important thing to her and she inspires me to grow in my relationship with the Lord. Randi will always be one of my very best friends and I can't wait to see how our friendship continues to grow as we get older!

Our first recruitment all together!
Our last recruitment all together... boy did we change!
Kerri, or as I call her, Two, is my tallest little! : ) She is one of the funniest friends I have ever had. She is one of those people who will always tell me like it is, and as annoying as that can be some times, I am so thankful! She will always be the first one to tell me when my hair is a mess or the outfit I am wearing is a little too similar to something Mr. Rogers would wear. I made sure that she went shopping with me when I was getting clothes for my new job and we picked out some adorable outfits! Two and I got especially close when I was President and she was Membership Vice-President, because we had to spend basically every second working together to plan and execute recruitment. That helped us to build a lot of trust and a strong partnership that we still have today. Another reason we are so close is because in October, Ross and I set her up with Ross' roommate, Nick. Now the two of them are the most adorable couple and we all love to hang out together! PERFECT! I had a really difficult time saying goodbye to Two but I know that no matter what we will always be a part of each other's lives. I am so thankful and blessed by her friendship!

Last year at Formal.
I LOVE how the three of us have gotten so close over the past year. We have laughed, cried, and experienced every other emotion together. We are secret keepers and advice givers. They made my last semester of college one of my favorites because of all the fun and memories we had, memories I will never forget. I am going to miss the two of them so much!

Ross also loves our littles! Homecoming 2011.
In just a little bit I will be headed to the airport and headed to the University of Nevada- Las Vegas! I am praying for smooth travel this time! : )

And one last one of the family with the boyfriends in tow! Love these people so much!

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