Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Beginning of It All!

Yesterday was not an easy day. I was just really sad to be leaving. Saying goodbye to Kyle was really difficult. I am so thankful to hear be able to say he has FINALLY gotten to Sidney.

I was so sad to leave Ross in Atlanta. The longest we have ever been apart was when I was in Las Vegas and Indy a couple of weeks ago. I truly feel like I have left a part of me behind and I am already counting down the days until we are together again. I feel a post dedicated to him coming soon! : )

I was happy to be reunited with my ELC sisters, they definitely cheered me up a bit. We checked into our extended stay and have been pleasantly surprised by it! It is going to give us a very nice place to come home to after our time in the office each day!

New gadgets! 
Today was our first official day at Fraternity Headquarters! We got a lot of fun goodies including new work phones (Samsung Galaxies), new work computers (Dells), and business cards! I have had a Mac for the past 6 years so it is going to take me a while to remember how to use a Windows computer! We also began our training which will last for the next month or so. We are doing a lot of fun activities and having a blast getting to know each other! I have a feeling that time is going to pass very quickly and that I will be reunited with Ross before we know it!

So official!

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