Sunday, July 15, 2012

First Week!

I can not believe that I have been in Indianapolis for a week tomorrow! This has been one of the craziest weeks of my life but I have enjoyed every minute of it!

Every day we go into the office from 8:30-4:30. For the  most part, we have women Skyping us from all over the country to do our trainings. We have been learning things like how to create an agenda for a retreat, all about our Constitution and Bylaws, and more about our philanthropy. I am enjoying learning the logistics about how the Fraternity works behind the scenes!

After work each day we head back to the extended stay. Sometimes we go to the gym or for a walk. We eat dinner together and then work on projects. Before I know it it's time for bed and then time to wake up and do it all over again!

On Friday we had a photoshoot for The Quill, which is Alpha Xi Delta's magazine. We went to a beautiful park and had a blast! It was so nice to be outside for a while. I am looking forward to reading the article about us!
Goofing around in our AWESOME mini van!
Yesterday one of the other ELC's and I went shopping at the outlets... SO FUN! It was quite nice to just walk around and take a break from sorority world for a little while. I got an adorable outfit from J.Crew (my littles would totally love it!) After our shopping trip we went to Miami University's campus and explored. It is one of the most beautiful college campuses I have ever been to! All of the houses in the area have signs on them and are named the most hysterical names! A few PG rated ones were "Fraturdays" and "Main Squeeze." We definitely got a laugh driving around and looking at all of them! We also found Delta Zeta's headquarters, the Alpha Chapter of Sigma Chi, and the Alpha chapter of Beta Theta Pi. Pretty cool to see so much Greek history!

Made me miss my sweet Sigma Nu!
When we met up with our other sisters we went on a tour of Beta Theta Pi's headquarters. It was quite beautiful!
Beta's Headquarters (Thanks for the picture, Google!)
New experiences for this week: went to Ohio, toured a Fraternity's headquarters, and went to Miami University!

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