Friday, September 21, 2012

Be Where You Are

I read a blog called "Enjoying the Small Things" on almost a daily basis. It is about a family that has two little girls, one of which has Down Syndrome. The mother is the writer and she constantly talks about living in the moment, enjoying each day for what it holds, and making the most of every opportunity. This is something I have struggled with in the past. I am a planner and occasionally a control freak. (Yes I can admit it.) I am constantly thinking about what is to come instead of enjoying what is happening in the moment.

One of the many things that this job is teaching me is how to let go and live in the moment. Yes, I am constantly thinking about going home and seeing my family and friends but I am not letting that stop me from loving what I am doing. The women I meet and the places I see constantly amaze me. On Monday as a flew over Mount Rainier and then New York City I could not help but think, "This is my life?!" I am too blessed and given too many opportunities not to enjoy it.

My brother has definitely been a part of developing this mindset. Being on the other side of the world from everyone can not be easy but he is trusting the Lord with everything. He is stepping up and taking on leadership roles that will make his experience even more incredible. I am SO proud of him! I am also SO ready for him to come home at Christmas but every time I get an email about the amazing things he is doing and the ways he is growing it makes me thankful that he is where he is.

I have also been so encouraged by Ross lately and he doesnt even know it. Having the faith to let me leave on this adventure while waiting to find a job could not have been easy for him. He has had the best attitude about it all and has stayed so positive. I do not know if I would have had that much grace if our roles were reversed, I am so thankful for his support. He has trusted God with everything and I am so thankful that his patience has paid off with finding a job. I can tell in his voice every time I talk to him that even though he is tired and getting into the work routine, he is so much happier now.

My Daddy and Mama have also been so incredible. Letting your kids go run around the country and live on the other side of the world must be pretty scary but they have been champs about it! Kyle and I definitely would not be able to do the things we do without their support. They also gave us the tools for success that have helped us along the way. I am so thankful that they always held me to such high standards. I definitely would not have the courage or motivation to do this without them.

Wednesday would have been my Papa's birthday. I miss him everyday, and I am also so thankful for my other grandparents. They are such special people that teach me about love and family every day.

Ok, so apparently I am in a super sentimental mood... I am going to blame the jet lag from going from Washington to New Hampshire. BUT home is less than three weeks away. One recruitment, two development visits, and three states are standing between me and Georgia! Counting down the days! : )

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