Sunday, October 28, 2012

Go Dawgs!

Honestly I had a pretty low-key weekend so the only reason I am blogging is to say GO DAWGS!

Yesterday UGA played Florida and after a very exciting game came up with a victory! An added bonus to winning is that it put my sweet man in a fabulous mood, which I always love! : )

For my birthday, my parents bought us tickets to the UGA/Tech game... SO EXCITED! Kerri and Nick are also going so it is sure to be a blast!

Glory, Glory!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Busy, Busy!

Three schools later and I feel like blogging again! : )

My trip to Ohio Northern was SO great. Those women repeatedly show me what Sisterhood is. They are so much fun to be around and I am looking forward to my return visit in December!

On Thursday night during my stay, we decided to make an impromptu road trip to Toledo. My chapter there, Theta Chi, was having their Fuzzie Funnel Cakes philanthropy event, and funnel cakes are just too yummy to pass up! Allie, Robyn, and I had a blast and surprising the women at Toledo was such a highlight of this trip!

The girls in green are from ONU and the ones in yellow are from UT!
 Gamma Tau had a very busy week while I was there. One of the highlights was Big Sis Discovery! As I sat there and watched all of the happy Big/Lil pairs, it made me think of how excited I was to get my Big, Brittany. I also started to think of my Littles, too. My life would definitely not be the same without those special women!

The chapter had a Halloween themed Sisterhood event. The Sisters dressed up in adorable group costumes and had a birthday cake for all of the October birthdays. It was so sweet of them to include me!

The biggest event of the week was the chapter's Fall Carnival which raised money for Autism Speaks. It was somewhat stressful making sure that it all came together but we had a blast and it was a great event! Some of the highlights were: pumpkin smashing, hay rides, corn hole, and lots of delicious food! Two of the Theta Chi girls came up to support the event, I was so happy to see them again!

Next, my travels took me to the Epsilon Xi chapter at the University of Missouri, St. Louis. It was a relatively short trip but I really enjoyed getting to know an entirely new chapter of women! They were so nice and accomodating. The first full day I was there was not the best day for me. A few minutes before I went to bed, the girls came in with a jewelry box they made me that was full of sweet notes inside. I was so touched and humbled!

The next two days were full of mall trips, midnight Walmart runs, crafting Halloween costumes, and going to see the St. Louis Arch! I was so excited to go see it! I had  no idea how HUGE it is! We went up to the top of it and it has a great view!

Yesterday I arrived at Rho Chapter at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln. This house is GORGEOUS! It is almost 100 years old and has so much history! I got a tour of campus and got to see all of the other fraternity and sorority houses. Today is their family day and a home game against Michigan. I guess I will be cheering for the Huskers as well as the Dawgs today! : )

Saturday, October 20, 2012


 Tomorrow I am facilitating a program about priorities. Not only will it fill a programming requirement for this chapter but I hope it will be beneficial. I started searching on Pinterest for quotes about priorities. I think quotes always spice up presentations! One of the quotes I found that really stuck out to me is "You know how you can tell that something is a priority? It is DONE." I liked this because it is true. We invest the most time and energy into the things that we are putting first. 

Thinking about this has led me to examine my own priorities. My Grandaddy has always taught our family the importance of the Lord, our country, and our family. My parents constantly show us that having priorities is so important.

I started looking for what the Bible says about priorities. I found so many verses that reminded me of where the Lord wants my time to go:
"But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness..." Matthew 6:33
"Love the Lord your God with all of your heart, with all of your soul, and with all of your might." Deuteronomy 6:5

Hermione might not have had the best priorities.
(The women are going to LOVE my HP reference!) : )

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


I can not tell you how great it felt to be at home. I was a happy girl this weekend.

Wednesday I was so excited that I couldn't stand it. After a slightly stressful day of travelling in which I almost missed my flight from Chicago to Atlanta, I arrived in the Atlanta airport. American apparently has their own little baggage claim, so it took Ross and I a few minutes to find each other. I can not tell you how happy I was to finally see him. He looked rather handsome in his shirt and tie (he had come from work) AND he was carrying red roses. Tear. We drove home and Mama, Daddy, and Roxy were waiting for us with chicken and dumplings for dinner. I was so happy to see them all, but I definitely missed my brother not being there.

Thursday was my day with my Mama. We went to see Grammie, which made me so happy. Then we went to the Mall of Georgia to shop, shop, shop! I bought some warm clothes so that I wont freeze in the winter. After a yummy lunch and lots of catching up, we went and picked Grammie back up and went out to eat with her and Daddy. Daddy and I went to Verizon after dinner and I got an iPhone. Exciting, except for paying the bill myself. Time to grow up, I suppose! : )

Friday, Grandmother and I went to breakfast and went shopping. We went by Enterprise and saw Ross and took him to lunch. I went and visited with a few good friends that evening and then Ross and I headed to Carrollton. We went to a yummy anniversary/birthday dinner at Olive Garden and then went our separate ways to see friends.

Saturday (my birthday!) we went to breakfast and then to Zeta Omega's Fuzzie Football tournament which raises money for Autism Speaks. It was so good to see my friends, I have missed them so much. Ross and I took his little sister, Alli to lunch and then spend the rest of the afternoon shopping together. I have missed him SO much. It was so nice to be able to spend so much time with him this weekend. I know that I wore him out and he didnt get as much rest as he normally does on weekends, but I am thankful for our time together.

Saturday evening my parents cooked us a great birthday dinner. My best friend, Kelly, my Big, Brittany and her sister Blair, and one of my littles, Randi came over. I have missed them all so much and loved getting to spend some time catching up. I am blessed with some amazing friends!

Sunday we went to church and then to Grandmother and Grandaddy's for my birthday lunch. It was so nice getting to spend the afternoon with my family. We missed my brother so much, I was so excited when he Facetimed me later that evening. For dinner, my other little, Kerri and her boyfriend Nick came over. We have missed our friends and definitely enjoyed the evening together.

The worst part of the weekend, by far, was having to say goodbye. I am a big baby and always cry. I am thankful to know that I will only be gone for a month!


"If home is where the heart is, then my home is where you are."

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Tomorrow. I am going home tomorrow. Those words make me smile as I type them. I am looking forward to spending four days with my favorite people in the world. I know it will go by too fast but I am going to soak up every minute while I can.

Here is the tentative game plan:

-Wednesday: Ross is picking me up from the airport. I imagine it will be like a scene from a movie: we will slow run to each other... until I trip over my luggage and lay sprawled out in the middle of Hartsfield Jackson until he scoops me up. : ) Mama and Daddy will be waiting for us at home with chicken and dumplins on the stove! Heaven!

-Thursday: This is Mama and Daddy's Day. We are going to see Grammie in the morning and then going shopping. I HAVE to get warm clothes! We are also making a trip to Verizon at some point, I may be joining the iPhone world.

-Friday: Grandmother and I are spending the day together. SO excited about that! After Ross gets off work we are going to eat dinner to celebrate our anniversary and my birthday! We are heading to Carrollton to hang out with friends that evening.

-Saturday: Ross and I are spending the day together. Saturday evening my parents are grilling out steaks and we are having my birthday party!

-Sunday: BUSY last day! Church, family birthday lunch and then to Grandmother and Grandaddy's house to open presents and hang out. That evening, I get to see Two and Nick. The worst part of this day will definitely be saying goodbye to Ross that evening.

-Monday: Mama is dropping me off at the airport. It will be time to hit the road again!


Saturday, October 6, 2012

5 Years

Today is my 5 year anniversary with Ross. Woah. I had no idea when I met him that 5 years later we would still be together, loving life and each other! We have been through so many things in the past 5 years...

We have celebrated birthdays and anniversaries...


holidays and accomplishments.


We have dressed up, gone out, and had a blast!


We have gone to formals and semi formals.

4 Homecomings.


2 concerts.

Many major sporting events.

Some of my favorite memories though, were the times we spent with friends, just hanging out.

We were busy with our Fraternity and Sorority.



We danced at weddings and formals.


And we have been so silly together!


When I look at all of these pictures, I cant help but smile as I think of the memories they represent. I am so lucky to have spent the past 5 years with such an amazing man and I am looking forward to many more! I love you, Ross!

"Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay." 1 Ruth 1:16