Friday, August 31, 2012

Dear New Member

Zeta Omega and so many of our Alpha Xi Delta chapters are celebrating Bid Day. This is an exciting time of year for us all! Alli, Ross' little Sister, has accepted a bid from my Chapter at UWG. I am SO excited that in 8 weeks I will be able to call her my Alpha Xi Delta sister.

Look who she found hanging out in the Zeta Omega house!
All of the excitement has made me think back to when I first started college and went through sorority Recruitment. There were so many lessons to be learned!

Dear New Member,

Congratulations on joining the best Sisterhood! Alpha Xi Delta will truly inspire you to "Realize Your Potential." Being a part of this organization is life changing if you take advantage of it. There are many things I wish I had known when I first joined, so I wanted to share some of those with you.

I know that joining is so fun and you just want to be with your Sisters every minute, but remember: school comes first. You wont be able to enjoy all of the things that a sorority has to offer if you are on academic probation, so study, study, study!

Remember that once you accept that bid, you are representing Alpha Xi Delta with your every action and word. Even when you are not wearing letters, they are across your forehead for the world to see. When you are in class, at a party, shopping, driving your car... people are watching you. The non-Greek world LOVES to see sorority women mess up, so please try not to give them an excuse to criticize you. Wearing our letters is powerful, so remember to treat them with respect!

What you put into it is what you will get out of it. Being in a sorority is a committment. It is a committment of your time, money, and loyalty. Have a good attitude and participate! Make connections and frienships. That is what it is all about! Go to events as much as possible! Get involved! If there is something you dont like: instead of complaining about it and making other people miserable, see what you can do to change it! It is your Sisterhood, too!

Treasure the next four years. It goes by way to quickly. Instead of going to bed an hour early go for an ice cream run with your Big. When your Little is upset, spend the time helping her to feel better.  Before long, you will be standing in your Senior Ceremony wondering where they time went. Be there for your Sisters just like they are for you. Make friendships that will last the rest of your life.

Alpha Xi Delta is much more than the four years you will spend in college. It is something that is a part of you for the rest of your life. I hope that our Golden Quill, Pink Rose, and Double Blue and Gold will always hold a special place in your heart. When you graduate, pay your alumnae dues. Go to alumnae events. Call a Sister just to say hi.

We are so excited to have you. Get involved. Have fun! But most of all, please take care of our letters.

Your Alpha Xi Delta Sister

Monday, August 27, 2012


I just have to vent about something. It is about a practice that is becoming more and more prevelant in the Greek community and it is something that makes my skin crawl more and more every time I hear it.

Sororities are calling New Members "babies." "Baby Hooties, Baby Squirrels, Baby Phis, Baby Xis, Baby Ivys... I have heard it all. And I hate, hate, hate it. Some Sisters may say that it is a term of endearment and affection. New Members may claim it makes them feel special. So our gifts, time, and most of all letters don't make you feel special? WHAT?

Can you imagine how calling an 18 year old college freshmen a "baby" sounds to a non-Greek? We sound ridiculous! We are constantly striving to gain credibility in so many people's eyes and this is one thing that is killing that!

Through Recruitment, we seek women who are going to add to our Chapters. We are searching for qualities such as leadership, character, involvement... none of which a baby has. Babies are infants who know nothing and do nothing (that sounds harsh but come on, it's true!). Yes they are cute, but let's be honest... they aren't quite ready for college.

By calling our New Members "babies" we are essentially saying that we are not going to hold them to the standards that we ourselves live by. They are free to be immature and childish and its totally ok with us. Actually, it is expected for them to be that way. Then, once they become Initiated Sisters we act all surprised and upset when they do not step up and take ownership of our Chapters. It is always the youngest New Member's Class fault when something is not going right. WELLL.... of course they are having problems!! We don't teach them right from the start what it is that we expect and need from them. We are not molding them into the Sisters we expect them to be. We are too busy calling them and treating them like "babies!"

Also, by calling them "babies" it separates them from the initiated Sisters. I promise you, nothing good comes from this. We need to focus less on our New Member classes and shift our focus to strengthening our Chapters as a whole. We wear the same letters, live the same Ritual, and should be united as a Sisterhood, not as New Member classes.

How is this OK with you, Sisters? It shouldn't be. New Members are not "babies." They are women we have selected to wear our letters, live our Ritual... let's PLEASE treat them like it.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

First Recruitment: Check!

Happy Birthday, Grandmother! I love you and hope you have a great day! I am jealous that Ross and Sydney get to join you at lunch but I guess they are the next best thing to Kyle and I! : )

As I write this I am sitting in the Iowa Airport. I had to be dropped off three hours early because the Sigma women are continuing with Recruitment today. I am getting well acquainted with all of the country's tiny airports!

Had to get a picture of the Sigma Nu house at Iowa for Ross!
I had so much fun the past two days at Iowa's Recruitment. Almost 900 women signed up for Recruitment, which is much bigger than Recruitment at UWG that I am used to! We had 6 parties the first day (20 mins each with 20 minutes in between) and ten parties yesterday. We had so much fun dealing with all of the craziness. I will give you an example: I was so tired I got into the shower with clothing on, the UPS man came to the door with the women going through Recruitment, the house had a terrible smell because of the neighbors, AND someone fell down the stairs (thankfully she was not hurt.) I have to admit that the excitement is one of the reasons I love Recruitment time. You NEVER know what is going to happen and have to be ready to deal with anything. I love to think on my feet and problem solve so I think I have the perfect job!

Some of my Recruitment essentials! Yes, I need TWO watches!
I will be spending the next two weeks in Toledo, Ohio. It is about an hour away from Ada where I was last week! I am conducting Work Week and then Recruitment there. I am excited to meet a whole new group of women and see what new challenges I will face!

 Beautiful Sigma House
 With the Membership Vice President, Erin and the President, Jaclyn.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Catch Up

So since my last two posts have been all sappy and emotional I thought I would catch you all up on what I have really been doing! : )

Last week I was at Ohio Northern University in Ada, Ohio. It is a pretty small campus that reminded me a lot of UWG. It is a private Methodist college where 40% of the Greeks are Pharmacy majors. ONU's mascot is the Polar Bear which I thought was cute but totally random! Ada is a TINY town but there are a lot of pretty, old homes in it. The sorority houses are only a few years old and they are really nice!

Who knew there are Polar Bears in Ada, Ohio?

While I was at ONU I created and facilitated the Chapter's Work Week. This means that I ran workshops that helped to prepare the Chapter for Recruitment. We discussed things like conversation skills, body language, appropriate dress and everything else you can think of regarding Alpha Xi Delta! I tried to make it as engaging and as fun as possible so I used lots of activities, games, and I threw in lots of cute quotes I found on Pinterest.

I also asked them to give up their cell phones so that we would all be engaged and interacting. (I put mine in, as well!)

Pinterest idea. Love it!

I also got crafty and redid one of the Chapter's bulletin boards.

I have loved getting to know women from other Chapters. Each Chapter is different than mine but each has something special about it!

After a long day of travelling yesterday (including two delayed flights) I am now in Iowa City, Iowa at the University of Iowa. This house is AMAZING! The Chapter 100 years old and the house is almost there. In the 20's it was used as an illegal Speakeasy. SO COOL! It is a beautiful and historic town. I walked around and explored for a little while today. I love all of the school spirit I saw, about 1/4 of the students I passed were wearing Hawkeye gear. I was a nice girlfriend and picked my boyfriend up a tshirt at the bookstore when I bought my Iowa sticker!

Former state Capital of Iowa!

While I am here I will helping to prepare the Chapter for Recruitment which starts Friday! AHHH! I am so excited for my first Recruitment of the year! I will be doing 4 Recruitments in the next 5 weeks so I am preparing for no sleep and lots of stress, but also a lot of fun! I couldnt be more excited! : )

Here is one last picture to wrap up this post:

Biggest and yummiest pancake ever! 

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Be Kind.

Be kind. Throughout the Bible Jesus showed us that we should live these words by his everyday actions. Its not easy. Its not always convenient. But it is always what we should do.

This week I have been stretched and put into situations that are new and at times intimidating for me. I have constantly had to ask the Lord to give me the grace I need to handle situations as He would have me handle them. Thankfully, He has provided, as he always does.

When I got to Ohio, I learned that I would be staying at an advisor's house with her, her husband, and their cat, Freddie. Mrs. Jill and Mr. Bob not only opened up their home to me but they treated me as if I was part of their family. It was a HUGE blessing to have met them and I could not have asked for a better stay! They took me out for ice cream one night and they got my suitcase fixed when the zipper broke last week. They have shown me kindness that I will never forget.

Every school I go to will be different and every Chapter I visit will have different circumstances. I am learning so much about conflict management, leadership, facilitating group discussions and so much more. Every Sister I meet will have her own story. I am learning how to understand people and to be empathetic to their feelings. I am learning to be a calm in the storm that sorority life can be at times. I am learning to listen, understand, and verbalize solutions to problems. I am learning to be kind even when others are not. I am learning to be kind even when I am angry or frustrated. Jesus was kind, so I choose to be kind. I fail constantly but I am trying harder than I ever have.

But He said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
2 Corinthians 12:9

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Road Warrior

This article was exactly what I needed this morning. I have a VERY challenging day coming up, but I am ready and confident that I can handle anything thrown my way.

Road Warriors for Fraternity

I'm called many things. Field staff. Field rep. Traveling consultant.

No matter what you call me, I know what I am in my heart.

Road. Warrior.

And this is my creed.

I will build a brighter future for fraternity, one chapter at a time.

I will learn to live out of a car. And how to get through airport security with Olympic sprinter speed. Just give me a month or so.

I will be terribly nervous. I will probably care too much about what others think of me. I will try too hard to make friends. Give me a month for this one as well.

On paper, I am a cost-effective way to bring the office closer to the members. I make the finance staff smile. I was promised a terrible salary and that's what I got. I was also promised adventures and that's what I'll get.

I understand that on the org chart, I'm near the bottom. Probably below the guy who comes in to fix the copier. But on the influence chart, I'm near the top. I am the front line.

There are staff back at the office complaining about a certain "dysfunctional" chapter. They’ve
seen their balance sheet, their web page, and their reports. I'll be standing in their living room on Tuesday. I will see them.

My fraternity needs me. And needs me to be strong.

I will discover soon enough that truck stops have the best food, and that the world's biggest ball of twine is worth the 30 minute diversion.

I will speak and present dozens of workshops. But, I know that the difference I will make will be through individual conversations.

Listening is my greatest tool.

I understand that a few encouraging words from me can be the difference between a weary president who quits and one who perseveres; between the member who becomes lost and the one who moves one row closer to the front; between the advisor who drifts away and the one who re-engages.

I will prepare for each visit like Peyton Manning.

I will allow myself several fist pumps after a successful visit. And a big helping of ice cream after a bad one. Actually, ice cream either way.

I will proudly represent my fraternity or sorority through my actions. I am Ritual in motion.

People in the airport will be impressed by my kindness to the overstressed gate agent. I will let people merge in front of me on the highway. I will wave at construction crews and say thank you to every military person I see.

I will be a happy road warrior.

If I get pushed to the brink, I will call a timeout.
They need me to be wise – not an exhausted jerk.

As Hunter Thompson put it, everyone needs psychic anchors in their life, and I will find mine. Be it church, or Mad Men on Sunday nights, or the cheesy hashbrown casserole at Cracker Barrel.

I will learn to push and challenge. I will develop the rare skill of being the “lovable tough guy.” That may take more than a month.

I will work my tail off to move the needle. Some days it will move a mile, and most days it will move an inch. But it's moving. My fraternity cannot afford a day in which it doesn't.

And some days will be chaos. No matter how stressed, emotionally spent, tired, or road-weary I am when I get the fraternity's front door, it's game-on when I walk inside.

I will be discounted for my age by university administrators, chapter advisors, and almost everyone else. I will have to prove myself. I’ll wear a suit to big meetings.

And I’ll remember that my age is an asset. I’m not ready to be old and cynical yet.

I will forgo the chain restaurants in favor of the famous campus pizza parlor. And places with names like "The Flying Gila Monster" in towns with names like “Bug Swallow.”

Even if I don't like a member I meet, I will believe in him or her.

I will give each chapter a chance. And they will get my best.

I will spend more time alone with my own mind than ever before, and will be better off because of it.

I will have lots of stories to share. Like Buffett sang: "some of it's magic...some of it's tragic..."

My belief in the fraternity movement will be shaken, broken, rebuilt. Daily.

I will say to the members: you can confide in me, but remember something important. If you reveal something that puts you or others in danger, I will intervene. Not because I am from the national office. But because I am your brother. Your sister.

I will not ignore my gut. Or the butterflies. Or the loneliness. Or the spectacular feeling of winning. Or the handshakes, hugs, and “thank-yous” I didn’t expect.

I will trust my instincts, lean on my training, and make huge mistakes anyway.

I will say “I can do this.” Again. Again. And again.

And on those days that go terribly bad, when every conversation seems pointless, all my efforts seem worthless, and the future seems hopeless, I will return to my car and take a few minutes to be upset. Sit in silence. Or blast the radio. Or call a friend. But I can't take long.

Because there is another small town to drive through.
Another chapter up the road. I need to get there by tomorrow, climb the stairs, ring the doorbell, and try again.

Because my fraternity still needs me.

The road is long, but warriors don’t give up.

Especially road warriors.
Like me.

-John Shertzer

For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.
2 Timothy 1:7

Monday, August 13, 2012

On to the Second School!

I had the BEST first trip I could ask for! I loved getting to know the women of the Theta Sigma Chapter and they are going to do such a great job with Recruitment! I cant believe it starts Tuesday! 

Yesterday I spent almost the entire day travelling! I slept almost the entire time on both of my flights! I was sad to leave Orlando but I was excited to get to my second school! I am now at the Gamma Tau Chapter at Ohio Northern University in Ada, Ohio.

One thing I will NOT miss about Florida is the wildlife. I am including pictures so you can see what I am talking about.
This little guy was in the bathroom! Tiniest little lizard EVER!
There were lizards everywhere!

These frogs were on the lights outside every night.
There were also HUGE bullfrogs on the ground under it. GROSS!
Everytime we walked on campus we would see these super tall birds that walked around and scared me to death!

I have been collecting stickers and buttons from all of the campuses I have visited (3 so far!) so I hope my Littles are ready to craft when I get home! : )

I am ready for a fabulous second visit! I am missing everyone back home so much, though! A lot of my friends are starting their school years as teachers and I could not be more proud of them! One of my Littles is starting her Education program and I hope she loves student teaching this semester!

With Kathryn, Theta Sigma's Membership Vice President.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Is This Real Life?!

I have only been at my first visit for 18 hours and I can tell you one thing for sure: I LOVE MY JOB! I can not believe that I am blessed enough to be doing something I am completely passionate about. Through training, conferences, and our first school visit I have already encountered some of the most smart, beautiful, bold, and fun women I have ever met. I know that this year will hold both highs and lows, but it is times like these where I am completely content with where I am that I am going to hold on to. 
In the Orlando airport, the closest I am going to get to Disney!

Hello, Harry!
So in my post on Saturday, I forgot to write about an important event that occured in my family that day! My parents' anniversary! Thank you Mama and Daddy for always loving eachother no matter what and for showing Kyle and me what true committment looks like. I am so thankful for you individually and as a team!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Go Time!

Tomorrow I leave for my first official trip! I am heading down to the University of Central Florida and I couldnt be more excited! For our first trip they are sending us in pairs and I am glad to have a travel buddy for once!

Our last week here has been a blast! We have been in the office everyday and preparing for our first trips! I have gotten my schedule up until almost the end of September, so I know where I will be visiting for a while! So far I am allllll over the country and couldnt be more excited! Florida, Ohio, Iowa, Ohio, Washington, and New Hampshire... YAY! I have never been to 3 of these states and I cant wait to go!

I have to admit that I am also a little nervous. I have gotten really comfortable at our little hotel in Indy and it feels like my home away from home now. Starting tomorrow, I wont have that feeling anymore. I know that it will be ok and that the Lord is going to be with me no matter where I am.
Photoshoot for Alpha Xi Delta's magazine The Quill
I will have to say that I am going to miss the rest of our travelling team after we all spread out. We have spent basically every minute of the past month together and have gotten really close. They are all going to do such a great job and I cant wait to hear about their adventures and share mine!

I am not sure how often I will be able to post while I am on the road, but I promise I will do my best! : ) I love and miss everyone at home (and in Australia) and cant wait until October (December for KP) so that I can see you all!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Happy Birthday Ross & KP!

Today is my brother and my boyfriend's birthday! Happy 20th and 25th guys! I love you both so much!
My two favorite men!
To celebrate Ross being a quarter of a century old (WOW!) here is the special post I promised about him! : )
Love this one, 2nd Anniversary!
Where to begin? I met Ross in October of my freshmen year of college. I thought he was SO cute, nice, funny... all of those mushy adjectives you can use to describe someone you have a major crush on!
Semi Formal 2007
We immediately began spending time together and 3 months later... he asked me to be his girlfriend! (This is when the crowd says AWWWW!) We have basically been inseperable ever since. My time at UWG would not have been the same without him. It was so nice to already have a date to Crush Parties, Formals, Weddings... and it didn't hurt that he always let me coordinate our outfits! He was so supportive of me no matter what, I have always appreciated that quality in him.
Throwdown for Your Hometown Social-2008
Ross has become SO much more than my boyfriend over the past 4 (almost 5) years. He is my favorite person in the world and I could not ask for a better best friend. I always have so much fun when I am with him and he gives the best advice. I am so thankful to have someone who loves me so unconditionally... what other guy would be cool with his girlfriend being away from home for months and months at a time for a whole year? I am beyond blessed!
Love never fails. 1 Corinthians 13:8