Monday, August 6, 2012

Is This Real Life?!

I have only been at my first visit for 18 hours and I can tell you one thing for sure: I LOVE MY JOB! I can not believe that I am blessed enough to be doing something I am completely passionate about. Through training, conferences, and our first school visit I have already encountered some of the most smart, beautiful, bold, and fun women I have ever met. I know that this year will hold both highs and lows, but it is times like these where I am completely content with where I am that I am going to hold on to. 
In the Orlando airport, the closest I am going to get to Disney!

Hello, Harry!
So in my post on Saturday, I forgot to write about an important event that occured in my family that day! My parents' anniversary! Thank you Mama and Daddy for always loving eachother no matter what and for showing Kyle and me what true committment looks like. I am so thankful for you individually and as a team!

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