Friday, August 31, 2012

Dear New Member

Zeta Omega and so many of our Alpha Xi Delta chapters are celebrating Bid Day. This is an exciting time of year for us all! Alli, Ross' little Sister, has accepted a bid from my Chapter at UWG. I am SO excited that in 8 weeks I will be able to call her my Alpha Xi Delta sister.

Look who she found hanging out in the Zeta Omega house!
All of the excitement has made me think back to when I first started college and went through sorority Recruitment. There were so many lessons to be learned!

Dear New Member,

Congratulations on joining the best Sisterhood! Alpha Xi Delta will truly inspire you to "Realize Your Potential." Being a part of this organization is life changing if you take advantage of it. There are many things I wish I had known when I first joined, so I wanted to share some of those with you.

I know that joining is so fun and you just want to be with your Sisters every minute, but remember: school comes first. You wont be able to enjoy all of the things that a sorority has to offer if you are on academic probation, so study, study, study!

Remember that once you accept that bid, you are representing Alpha Xi Delta with your every action and word. Even when you are not wearing letters, they are across your forehead for the world to see. When you are in class, at a party, shopping, driving your car... people are watching you. The non-Greek world LOVES to see sorority women mess up, so please try not to give them an excuse to criticize you. Wearing our letters is powerful, so remember to treat them with respect!

What you put into it is what you will get out of it. Being in a sorority is a committment. It is a committment of your time, money, and loyalty. Have a good attitude and participate! Make connections and frienships. That is what it is all about! Go to events as much as possible! Get involved! If there is something you dont like: instead of complaining about it and making other people miserable, see what you can do to change it! It is your Sisterhood, too!

Treasure the next four years. It goes by way to quickly. Instead of going to bed an hour early go for an ice cream run with your Big. When your Little is upset, spend the time helping her to feel better.  Before long, you will be standing in your Senior Ceremony wondering where they time went. Be there for your Sisters just like they are for you. Make friendships that will last the rest of your life.

Alpha Xi Delta is much more than the four years you will spend in college. It is something that is a part of you for the rest of your life. I hope that our Golden Quill, Pink Rose, and Double Blue and Gold will always hold a special place in your heart. When you graduate, pay your alumnae dues. Go to alumnae events. Call a Sister just to say hi.

We are so excited to have you. Get involved. Have fun! But most of all, please take care of our letters.

Your Alpha Xi Delta Sister

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