Monday, August 13, 2012

On to the Second School!

I had the BEST first trip I could ask for! I loved getting to know the women of the Theta Sigma Chapter and they are going to do such a great job with Recruitment! I cant believe it starts Tuesday! 

Yesterday I spent almost the entire day travelling! I slept almost the entire time on both of my flights! I was sad to leave Orlando but I was excited to get to my second school! I am now at the Gamma Tau Chapter at Ohio Northern University in Ada, Ohio.

One thing I will NOT miss about Florida is the wildlife. I am including pictures so you can see what I am talking about.
This little guy was in the bathroom! Tiniest little lizard EVER!
There were lizards everywhere!

These frogs were on the lights outside every night.
There were also HUGE bullfrogs on the ground under it. GROSS!
Everytime we walked on campus we would see these super tall birds that walked around and scared me to death!

I have been collecting stickers and buttons from all of the campuses I have visited (3 so far!) so I hope my Littles are ready to craft when I get home! : )

I am ready for a fabulous second visit! I am missing everyone back home so much, though! A lot of my friends are starting their school years as teachers and I could not be more proud of them! One of my Littles is starting her Education program and I hope she loves student teaching this semester!

With Kathryn, Theta Sigma's Membership Vice President.

1 comment:

  1. COURTNEY! I made the blog! Miss you so so much! Hope you have a fantastic time on all of your other visits!
